
Colourism isn’t born it’s taught!

I was often teased for having a darker complexion, since darker skin is frowned upon in the Indian community

By Leena Patel I Jan 13, 2020

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In light of making changes on their site, it’s sparked a deeper conversation. The skintone filter has FINALLY been removed. I remember when I was on the site (many moons ago), I was apprehensive as to which box to tick.

I was often teased for having a darker complexion, since darker skin is frowned upon in the Indian community. Growing up it was common to hear “stay out of the sun, you will get darker, then no one will marry you” from all the aunties.

Light skin is coveted, especially in India. Fair is considered beautiful and superior. Fairness creams are still among the highest-selling cosmetic products in India, with so many celebrities endorsing them. 
The unhealthy obsession with light skin has continued. In so many different cultures light is right.
Media and history have a lot to answer for, although this is changing with the changing generations it does require a change in mentality and mindset.

Colourism isn’t born it’s taught. So, let’s teach our kids - they are beautiful in their skin. They are worthy in their skin. They are loved in their skin.

So, today the message we are spreading is - all shades are beautiful! “

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