Join DiWo to meet inclusive companies


Get access to free resources including exclusive job openings, access to events with industry leaders at top companies, and career guidance to excel in your career.

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DiWo is a diverse community of industry leaders, mid and early career professionals, and aspiring learners working together to foster a diverse workforce. DiWo helps women (including visible minority newcomer women, racialized and/or Indigenous women, women with disabilities, women from the LGBTQ2 community, women who have been out of the workforce for a long time) seize opportunities in every career aspect. We go above and beyond to accelerate you towards your dream job through:

  • writing resumes and cover letters;
  • conducting mock interviews and providing support for answering interview questions;
  • exploring possible careers and assisting with job, internship, or program searches;
  • developing on-the-job skills (soft skills or technical skills);
  • modeling behavior, attitudes, or skills in the workplace (job-shadowing); and
  • career planning and goal setting.

Join us to get updates about new job opportunities, upcoming sessions, and industry events with leaders who are helping shape the future of work.